Cash flow refers to the total amount of money being transferred into and out of a business, directly affecting its liquidity and overall financial health. While several business expenses can impact cash flow, many of these expenses occur further upstream, and we prefer to identify and address these savings opportunities before issues show up on the cash flow statement. 

At Watchdog Advisory, we segment cash flow savings initiatives into elements that can be measured and controlled on a monthly cash conversion cycle. To get a better idea of our cash flow savings approach, please take a look at our solutions below.

Call us now: 816-695-6415

We have experts located all over North America and can scale our team to meet your needs.

No Fee Credit Card Processing

With zero-fee credit card processing, merchants can use their increased profits to invest in new products, services, and technology. This can help merchants stay competitive and increase their customer base. Plus, the cost savings associated with zero-fee credit card processing can help merchants maximize their profits and improve their bottom line.

Learn more about no fee credit card processing.

AP Automation

It is not just about accounts payable automation; it is about time savings, shortened reconciliation timeframes, more secure vendor payments,  better control of your cash flow, and monthly cash rebates on every purchase your business makes. 

See how accounts payable automation can pay you back.

Shipping & Logistics 

As online consumer shopping grows and direct business-to-business purchases increase, shipping has become an integral part of your business model. If done right, it can be the key differentiator in gaining new customers and increasing sales profits.

Discover how you can better manage your shipping!

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